Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas Fanboys and girls!

We got some early Christmas presents this week in the form of full length trailers for the two most anticipated movies of 2012: The Dark Knight Rises and The Hobbit!

Yes, this was a good week for fanboys and girls. Let's discuss!:


Honestly, I haven’t been that huge a fan of the movies. I’ve seen Batman Begins a few times, actually owned in on DVD a few years ago but just couldn’t quite get into it. I’ve only see The Dark Knight once and that was in the theater. I don’t know why I’m not a hardcore fan of Nolan’s versions. It might be because I grew up watching Tim Burton's Batman that I’ve been hesitant to fully commit to Christopher Nolan’s version. BUT that doesn’t mean I’m still not excited about this movie and I’ll be there standing in line at midnight! And it has some excellent casting from Inception alumni that make me more interested in this one then the others: Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tom Hardy.

And this trailer, even with its faults, still has nuggets of goodness: We have Catwoman giving Batman a piece of her mind (though my friend Caz pointed out that it’s reminiscent of the scene in Batman Returns with Michelle Pfeiffer and Michael Keaton), the sacking of the mansion gave me chills and the football player turning around to find the other players and the field gone! I would have liked more Gary Oldman so the teaser trailer from months ago is still my favorite since it showcased him.


Seriously. This brought tears to my eyes. It’s gorgeous.

It’s been years since I’ve read the book so I don’t remember everything about it. I just know the basic plot and I’ve been thinking about a re-read before the movie. But I don’t know if I will now. I’m starting to think maybe I should come into this with a, almost, fresh set of eyes. There is just so much about this trailer that’s amazing and should be taken in without the baggage of trying to compare it to the book; the music, the cinematography, Bilbo and lots of Dwarves! I wasn’t one who really cared much for the songs in the books or the previous movies but when the Dwarves started singing it took my breath away. And then Gollum appeared! Don’t EVEN get me started! This is epic.

Every couple of months I’ll watch The Lord of the Rings Extended Cut Trilogy. It’ll never grow old and it always amazes me what Peter Jackson and Company did. We have nearly the same crew for The Hobbit with the added bonus of Guillermo del Toro having worked on the screenplay and had been set to direct. Like I said, EPIC.

So, after that wonderful geek out, I’ll leave you with some holiday cheer since the season is all about family and togetherness and well, I think John Malkovich has the right perspective …

Happy Holidays!

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