Thursday, August 25, 2011

Movie Madness and What’s New on the Shelf!

I would have posted this on Monday, but a certain little girl wanted everyone to see her first video review...

Anyways, over the weekend I saw Fright Night! Yes, it was awesome. Two words: Colin Farrell. Even better, the vampires DIDN’T SPARKLE. Oh no, they were scary and bad and oh, David Tennant was awesome with his dueling diva sidekick. There were laughs, there was plenty to jump and cringe at and I saw one of the best uses of a Century 21 sign on a vampire! You go Toni Collette! Mom’s rule and vampires drool! The best part was seeing the movie with friends who were not afraid to enjoy the movie and laugh, jump and talk about the movie afterwards while wandering around the mall window shopping.

It was nice to get out and see a movie. Lately I haven’t been watching very many. Sad indeed because Tombstone had been sitting on top of the TV for almost 2 WEEKS! Horrible, I know, it’s an awesome movie! Believe me, after watching Fright Night and re-catching the movie-watching-bug I corrected that asap! And now I need to see the original Fright Night.

But that did not keep me from adding more books to the shelf. Oh no, because I got my library card finally! Here’s what I picked up for myself:

A book I heard about during the opening of some No Reservations episode. It’s supposed to be about finding Shangri-La or something.

I think enough time has passed to finish up this series. I was super excited because a kind librarian got “the key” to a locked room to get this for me. I’m about half way through it now and, well... it’s kinda getting on my nerves... anyways, you’ll find out when I review it.

And these came in the mail on Monday from Amazon:

I’d been seeing this book all over Amazon so it had been on the back of my mind. Then one day in Barnes and Nobles I happened to flip it open and saw the prettiest inside cover I’ve seen in a book so far.

I’d seen this one on a couple of blogs I visit and the cover art caught my eye. This will be the next book Venessa and I read together (We finished the The Trouble With Tink. Video review next week!). There’s a character named Emma who, after reading the back of the book, I know I will like.

If you happen across The Map of Time or The Emerald Atlas at a bookstore, stop and pick them up just to get a feel for them. The covers are so lovely and, hopefully I’m not setting myself up for disappointment, they feel magical. And they’re so shiny!


  1. I know they say, don't judge a book by its cover - but every time I buy a book because the cover is awesome, I've been very happy. I'll look forward to hearing how these turn out for you.

  2. I totally wanna see Fright Night!! It's been forever since I've seen the original. Yeah let us know how those 2 new books with the nice covers are.

  3. Michelle, you HAVE to see Fright Night. You'll love it!

    And yes, I'll let everyone know how the books are. Venessa and I just started The Emerald Atlas and just a few pages in it seems like it'll be really good :)
